Tuesday, December 15, 2009


We went to the Provo Library....
...and Mary was there to help me get ready.

Our photographer, Maka Aulava, found the perfect spot to take the pictures...simple, clean lines and lots of natural light.



pwincessdi said...

gorgeouse pics!

mary said...

yay for posting!! i love your guys blog! the new back ground is saweet!

soooooooooooooo pretty! my favorites are the one on the piano bench and the head shot by the window. brings back fun memories of your guys wedding. love love love the dress!

Titi said...

Wow...beautiful! Yes and love the dress, where is it? hehe

mary said...

looooove these pics! maka did such a good job. i'm glad you put those other pics in there too tal - makes me remember how sorry i felt for the other bride in there - she looked so plain compared to you. haha kalofae. lol anyways, maka is the bomb - he did such a good job with everything.

miss said...

You look lovely! Love the dress! And the light in the photos.

Titi said...

Awesome pictures! Tal you should paint one of 'em. =)